Availability set can be specified only at the VM creation time.
Azure Bastion requires a dedicated subnet: AzureBastionSubnet. You must create this subnet in the same virtual network that you want to deploy Azure Bastion to. The subnet must have the following configuration:
I cannot create a VM in a region different from the region of the corresponding virtual network.
$ ssh user@ip
vm-ubuntu$ sudo apt-get update
vm-ubuntu$ sudo apt-get install nginx
Add the port 80 as Inbound port rules in the vm.
$ chmod 400 vm-ubuntu-ssh_key.cer
$ ssh -i vm-ubuntu-ssh_key.cer enrico@
The Custom Script Extension downloads and runs scripts on Azure virtual machines (VMs). This extension is useful for post-deployment configuration, software installation, or any other configuration or management task. You can download scripts from Azure Storage or GitHub, or provide them to the Azure portal at extension runtime.
The Custom Script Extension integrates with Azure Resource Manager templates. You can also run it by using the Azure CLI, PowerShell, the Azure portal, or the Azure Virtual Machines REST API.
Follow the same steps as described here to deploy this file in order to install nginx on a ubuntu vm.
VM/Run Commmand/RunPowerShellScript
Example-adding http server
import-module servermanager
add-windowsfeature web-server -includeallsubfeature
Availability Zones are unique physical locations within an Azure region. Zone-redundant services replicate your applications and data across Availability Zones to protect from single-points-of-failure. With Availability Zones, Azure offers industry best 99.99% VM uptime SLA. :bangbang:
There aint’t additional cost to add avaiability zones but there is bandwidth cost.
| Type | SLA | |:———-|————-:| | single - SSD | 99,5% | | single - premium SSD | 99,9% | | Availability set | 99,95% | | Availability Zones | 99,99% |
Orchestration mode:
scale out: increase instances
Lab: Ubuntu/stress tool:
$ sudo stress --cpu 1000
cool down time(time to setup properly): during that time no scaling conditions will be applied.
Scaling up is adding further resources, like hard drives and memory, to increase the computing capacity of physical servers.
Scaling out is adding more servers to your architecture to spread the workload across more machines.
Azure Desired State Configuration
It’s about deployment of the application on the new instances created by auto scale.
One of the main advantages of Flexible orchestration is that it provides orchestration features over standard Azure IaaS VMs, instead of scale set child virtual machines. This means you can use all of the standard VM APIs when managing Flexible orchestration instances, instead of the Virtual Machine Scale Set VM APIs you use with Uniform orchestration.
A proximity placement group is a logical grouping used to make sure that Azure compute resources are physically located close to each other. Proximity placement groups are useful for workloads where low latency is a requirement.
Low latency between stand-alone VMs.